GROUP 32 - Music Video 2008/9: Progress of today...= ]

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Progress of today...= ]

We looked at how to add animatic stars to our music video. we did this by finding a star on google images then putting the star on to a freeze frame of the video. we then using photoshope added layers with the same star, in different sizes and shapes.
This is trying to create the atmosphere we desire.

We are also looking into getting a cartoon affect to change the appearance of the video therefore giving it a more professional look.

We also have started to look at using transitions and fading to create a different effect. One effect we came across was the 'duplicate' which enables the picture to be quadrupled to show the image in four different sections. I also added a fade on to this section which enables to see both scenes at once, luckily the scene we have chosen is very center to shot so gives layered affect.


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